Table Context Example

Learn about the implementation of the useContext hook in a real-world application.

Table component design

Another usage of context is to apply the context to a place that can be small but big enough to contain many relevant components inside, such as a table. See the image below:

Press + to interact
A table containing customizable cell displays
A table containing customizable cell displays

A table can be quite complex in a modern UI. It contains a header, a body, a footer, a pagination, and a customizable column setting to drive the look and feel of cells. Moreover, all these elements can be assembled in a mix-and-match way on the fly to suit different business purposes.

Customizing table cells

A table is made up of rows and columns of cells where each cell can be controlled by a cell component, such as DefaultCell:

const DefaultCell = ({ value }) => {
return <div>{value}</div>;

The prop value is used to pass in a primitive value from a property of a row, such as a string or a number. In a typical case, we simply display it as a string format, as in the preceding code.

Customizing cells based on data

Given a table row tracking a list of fruits:

// Array of fruits with title and optional status properties
const fruits = [
{ title: 'Apple', status: true },
{ title: 'Orange' },
{ title: 'Strawberry' },
{ title: 'Pineapple', status: true },
{ title: 'Watermelon' }
Array of fruits with title and optional status

The preceding column for title is a perfect example, and it should display a list of fruit names. However, not all cells are plain strings, since we can display a cell as a status indicator, a progress bar, a checkbox, and so on. In our case, we have a column for status indicating whether the fruit tastes "nice" or just "OK," which can be handled by another cell behavior:

const StatusCell = ({ value }) => {
// Determine the status message based on the truthiness of the 'value' prop
const statusMessage = value ? 'Nice' : 'Ok';
// Render the status message inside a div
return <div>{statusMessage}</div>;
React functional component for rendering a status message based on the provided value

In the custom StatusCell component, the value passed in is a boolean, and it displays either Nice or Ok.

Dynamic cell rendering

This means we need a generic TableCell where we can pass in some sort of column information to customize the display:

const TableCell = ({ col, row }) => {
// Extract the value from the specified column of the row
const value = row[];
// Determine the component to render based on the 'Cell' property of the column or use the default 'DefaultCell'
const Component = col.Cell || DefaultCell;
// Render the determined component with the extracted value
return <Component value={value} />;
TableCell component for dynamic rendering of table cells

In the TableCell component, a col prop is provided to describe how a cell should update. Let's take a look at the information in two columns for both title and status ...