Borůvka’s Algorithm

Explore the different techniques used to implement Borůvka’s algorithm efficiently.

Background of minimum spanning tree

The oldest and arguably simplest minimum spanning tree algorithm was discovered by the Czech mathematician Otakar Borůvka in 1926, about a year after Jindřich Saxel asked him how to construct an electrical network connecting several cities using the least amount of wire. The algorithm was rediscovered by Gustav Choquet in 1938, rediscovered again by a team of Polish mathematicians led by Józef Łukaszewicz in 1951, and rediscovered again by George Sollin in 1961. Although Sollin never published his rediscovery, it was carefully described and credited in one of the first textbooks on graph algorithms; as a result, this algorithm is sometimes called Sollin’s algorithm.


The Borůvka / Choquet / Florek-Łukaziewicz-Perkal-Steinhaus-Zubrzycki / Prim / Sollin / Brosh algorithm can be summarized in one line:

Boru˚vka:Borůvka: Add all the safe edges and recurse.

Here is Borůvka’s algorithm in more detail. The algorithm calls the CountAndLabelCountAndLabel algorithm we studied before in this course to count the components of FF and label each vertex vv with an integer comp(v)comp(v) indicating its component.


Boru˚vka(V,E):F=(V,)countCountAndLabel(F)while count>1AddAllSafeEdges(E,F,count)countCountAndLabel(F)return F\underline{Borůvka(V, E):} \\ \hspace{0.4cm} F = (V, ∅) \\ \hspace{0.4cm} count ← CountAndLabel(F ) \\ \hspace{0.4cm} while\space count > 1 \\ \hspace{1cm} AddAllSafeEdges(E, F, count) \\ \hspace{1cm} count ← CountAndLabel(F ) \\ \hspace{0.4cm} return\space F ...