Johnson’s Algorithm
Explore the different techniques used to implement Johnson’s algorithm efficiently.
Overview of Johnson’s all-pairs shortest path algorithm
Johnson’s all-pairs shortest path algorithm computes a cost for each vertex so that the new weight of every edge is non-negative, and then computes shortest paths with respect to the new weights using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
First, suppose the input graph has a vertex that can reach all the other vertices. Johnson’s algorithm computes the shortest paths from to the other vertices, using Bellman-Ford (which doesn’t care if the edge weights are negative), and then reweights the graph using the price function . The new weight of every edge is:
Non-negative weights
These new weights are non-negative because Bellman-Ford halted! Recall that an edge is tense if , and that single-source shortest path algorithms eliminate all tense edges. (If Bellman-Ford detects a negative cycle, Johnson’s algorithm aborts because shortest paths are not well-defined.)
If there is no suitable vertex that can reach everything, then no matter where we start Bellman-Ford, some of the resulting vertex prices will be infinite. To avoid this issue, we always add a new vertex to the graph, with zero-weight edges from to the other vertices but no edges going back into . This addition doesn’t change the shortest paths between any pair of original vertices because there are no paths into .
The complete pseudocode for Johnson’s algorithm is shown below. The running time of this algorithm is dominated by the calls to Dijkstra’s algorithm. Specifically, we spend time running Bellman-Ford once, time running Dijkstra times, and time doing other bookkeeping. Thus, the overall running time is . Negative edges don’t slow us down after all!
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