Whatever-First Search

Understand the different techniques used to implement breadth-first search and depth-first search algorithms.

Depth-first search

So far, we have only discussed local operations on graphs; arguably, the most fundamental global question we can ask about graphs is reachability. Given a graph GG and a vertex ss in GG, the reachability question asks which vertices are reachable from ss; that is, for which vertices vv is there a path from ss to vv? For now, let’s consider only undirected graphs; We’ll consider directed graphs briefly at the end of this section. For undirected graphs, the vertices reachable from ss are precisely the vertices in the same component as ss.

Perhaps the most natural reachability algorithm at least for people like us who are used to thinking recursively is depth-first search. This algorithm can be written either recursively or iteratively. It’s exactly the same algorithm either way; the only difference is that we can actually see the recursion stack in the non-recursive version.

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