Graph Representations
Understand the different data structures used to implement graph algorithms.
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In practice, graphs are usually represented by one of two standard data structures: adjacency lists and adjacency matrices. At a high level, both data structures are arrays indexed by vertices; this requires that each vertex has a unique integer identifier between and . In a formal sense, these integers are the vertices.
Adjacency lists
By far, the most common data structure for storing graphs is the adjacency list. An adjacency list is an array of lists, each containing the neighbors of one of the vertices (or the out-neighbors if the graph is directed). For undirected graphs, each edge is stored twice, once in ’s neighbor list and once in ’s neighbor list; for directed graphs, each edge is stored only once, in the neighbor list of the tail . For both types of graphs, the overall space required for an adjacency list is .
There are several different ways to represent these neighbor lists, but the standard implementation uses a simple singly-linked list. The resulting data structure allows us to list the (out-)neighbors of a node in ...