

Directed Acyclic Graphs: Depth-First Search

Directed Acyclic Graphs: Depth-First Search

Explore the different techniques used to implement the depth-first search algorithm efficiently.

Shortest paths in acyclic graphs

Shortest paths are also easy to compute in directed acyclic graphs, even when the edges are weighted, and in particular, even when some edges have negative weight. (We don’t have to worry about negative cycles because, by definition, dags don’t have any cycles!) Indeed, this is a completely standard dynamic programming algorithm.

Let GG be a directed graph with weighted edges, and let ss be the fixed start vertex. For any vertex vv, let dist(v)dist(v) denote the length of the shortest path in GG from ss to vv. This function satisfies the following simple recurrence:

dist(v){0if v=sminuv(dist(u)+w(uv))otherwisedist(v)\begin{cases} & 0 \hspace{4.1cm} if\space v=s \\ & \underset{u\rightarrow v}{min}(dist(u) + w(u\rightarrow v)) \hspace{0.4cm} otherwise \end{cases}

In fact, this identity holds for all directed graphs, but it is only a recurrence for directed acyclic graphs. If the input graph GG contained a cycle, a recursive evaluation of this function would fall into an infinite loop; however, because GG is a dag, each recursive call visits an earlier vertex in topological order.

The dependency graph for this recurrence is the reversal of the input graph GG ...