Benefits & Challenges
In this lesson, we'll discuss the benefits and challenges of the synchronous microservices approach.
Benefits #
In practice, synchronous microservices are a relatively frequently used approach. Many well-known examples of microservice architectures use such a concept.
This has the following advantages:
All services can access the same dataset, so there are fewer consistency problems.
Synchronous communication is a natural approach if the system is to offer an API. Any microservice can implement part of the API. The API can be the product or the API can be used by mobile applications.
After all, it can be easier to migrate into such an architecture. For example, the current architecture can already have a division into different synchronous communication endpoints or teams can exist for each of the functionalities.
Calling methods, procedures, or functions in a program is usually synchronous. Developers are familiar with this model so they can understand it more easily.
Challenges #
Synchronous microservices create a number of challenges. Let’s discuss a few:
Low performance #
The communication with other microservices during request processing causes the latencies for responses of other microservices and the communication times via the network to add up.
Therefore, synchronous communication ...