In this lesson, we'll discuss some experiments you can do on the Netflix stack.
Try the experiments in the following widget! #
version: '3' services: eureka: image: educative1/mapi_ms_eureka ports: - "8761:8761" customer: image: educative1/mapi_ms_customer links: - eureka catalog: image: educative1/mapi_ms_catalog links: - eureka order: image: educative1/mapi_ms_order links: - eureka zuul: image: educative1/mapi_ms_zuul links: - eureka ports: - "8080:8080" turbine: image: educative1/mapi_ms_turbine links: - eureka ports: - "8989:8989"
Additional microservice #
Supplement the system with an additional microservice.
A microservice that is used by a call center agent to create notes for a call can be used as an example. The call center agent should be able to select the customer.
You can copy and modify one of the existing microservices. microservices.
Register the microservice in Eureka.
The customer microservice must be called via Ribbon. The microservice will be found automatically via Eureka, otherwise, the microservice must be looked up explicitly in Eureka.
Package the microservice in a Docker image and add the image to
. There you can also determine the name of the Docker container. -
Create a link in