Frontend: Monolith or Modular?
In this lesson, we'll debate the pros and cons of a monolithic frontend and a modular frontend.
The following drawing shows a frontend monolith which serves as the frontend for multiple microservices.
Option: monolithic frontend and backend #
Doing without modularization in the frontend is inconsistent. On the one hand, a backend is modularized into microservices which involves a great deal of effort.
On the other side is a monolithic frontend, which is an architecture that must be questioned. The result does not have to be a modularized frontend. It may also turn out that a monolithic frontend together with a monolithic backend also meets the requirements. Then you can save the effort for the modularization of the backend into microservices.
This can be the case, for example, if the advantage of separate deployment and further decoupling in other areas is not important after all.
The following drawing shows a frontend monolith which serves as frontend for a monolithic backend.