

The Example with Cloud Foundry

The Example with Cloud Foundry

In this lesson, we'll look at an example with cloud foundry.

Introduction #

The microservices in this example are identical to the examples from the previous chapters (see Example).

  • The catalog microservice controls the information concerning the goods.

  • The customer microservice stores the customer data.

  • The order microservice can receive new orders. It uses the catalog and customer microservice via REST.

  • In addition, there is the Hystrix dashboard, a Java application for visualizing the monitoring of the Hystrix circuit breaker.

  • Finally, there is a web page microservices that contains links to the microservices and thus facilitates the entry into the system.

Starting Cloud Foundry #

A detailed description of how the example can be built and started is provided at https://github.com/ewolff/microservice-cloudfoundry/blob/master/HOW-TO-RUN.md.

The Cloud Foundry example is available at ...