ESI in Order & Common
In this lesson, we'll look at how ESI is used in the common and order applications.
Order microservice #
The order microservice offers a normal web interface, which has been supplemented with ESI tags in some places.
A typical HTML page of the order microservice looks like this:
Press + to interact
<html><head>...<esi:include src="/common/header"></esi:include></head><body><div class="container"><esi:include src="/common/navbar"></esi:include>...</div><esi:include src="/common/footer"></esi:include></body></html>
HTML with ESI tags in the example #
The order microservice is available at port 8090 of the Docker host. The output goes past the Varnish and still contains the ESI tags. At http://localhost:8090/ the HTML with the ESI tags can be viewed.
The ESI tags look like normal HTML tags. They only have an esi
prefix. Of course, a web browser cannot interpret them. ...