Eureka: Service Discovery
In this lesson, we'll discuss service discovery with Eureka.
Introduction #
Eureka implements service discovery as we learned in the introduction.
For synchronous communication, microservices have to find out at which port and IP address other microservices can be accessed.
Features #
Let’s discuss some essential characteristics of Eureka.
REST interface #
Eureka has a REST interface.
Microservices can use this interface to register or request information about other microservices.
Replication #
Eureka supports replication.
The information from the Eureka servers is distributed to other servers enabling the system to compensate for the failure of Eureka servers.
In a distributed system, service discovery is essential for communication between microservices. Therefore, service discovery must be implemented in a way that a failure of one server does not cause the entire service discovery to fail.
Cache improved performance #
Due to caches on the client:
- The performance of Eureka very good.