
Learn what you can do with the enum data type in PostgreSQL.

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Relational database

The enum data type has been added to PostgreSQL to make it easier to support migrations from MySQL. The proper relational design would use a reference table and a foreign key instead:

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create table color(id serial primary key, name text);
create table cars
brand text,
model text,
color integer references color(id)
insert into color(name)
values ('blue'), ('red'),
('gray'), ('black');
insert into cars(brand, model, color)
select brand, model, color.id
from (
values('ferrari', 'testarosa', 'red'),
('aston martin', 'db2', 'blue'),
('bentley', 'mulsanne', 'gray'),
('ford', 'T', 'black')
as data(brand, model, color)
join color on color.name = data.color;

In this setup, the table color lists available colors to choose from, and the cars table registers the availability of a model from a brand in a given color. It’s possible to make ...