

Testing the Audit Trigger

Testing the Audit Trigger

Learn more about how audit triggers work.

Viewing the updates in the artists table

With that in place, let’s try it out:

Press + to interact
create temp table batch
like moma.artist
including all
on commit drop;
\copy batch from '/usercode/artists/artists.2017-07-01.csv' with csv header delimiter ','
with upd as
update moma.artist
set (name, bio, nationality, gender, begin, "end", wiki_qid, ulan)
= (batch.name, batch.bio, batch.nationality,
batch.gender, batch.begin, batch."end",
batch.wiki_qid, batch.ulan)
from batch
where batch.constituentid = artist.constituentid
and (artist.name, artist.bio, artist.nationality,
artist.gender, artist.begin, artist."end",
artist.wiki_qid, artist.ulan)
<> (batch.name, batch.bio, batch.nationality,
batch.gender, batch.begin, batch."end",
batch.wiki_qid, batch.ulan)
returning artist.constituentid
ins as
insert into moma.artist
select constituentid, name, bio, nationality,
gender, begin, "end", wiki_qid, ulan
from batch
where not exists
select 1
from moma.artist
where artist.constituentid = batch.constituentid
on conflict (constituentid) do nothing
returning artist.constituentid
select (select count(*) from upd) as updates,
(select count(*) from ins) as inserts;

This SQL statement outputs the following information:

COPY 15226
 updates │ inserts 
      52 │      61
(1 row)


And thanks to our audit trigger, we can have a look at what’s changed:

Press + to interact
select (before -> 'constituentid')::integer as id,
after - before as diff
from moma.audit
limit 15;

Here are the first 15 changes out of the 52 updates we made:

  id  │               