

Loading the GeoNames

Loading the GeoNames

Load the data for the GeoNames database.

Note: The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million place names that are available for download free of charge.

The website offers online querying, and all the data is made available to download and use. As is often the case, it comes in an ad hoc format and requires some processing and normalization before it’s usable in a PostgreSQL database.

GeoNames: Loading the raw data

We’ll load the data by using the following script/code:

Press + to interact
drop schema if exists raw cascade;
create schema raw;
create table raw.geonames
geonameid bigint,
name text,
asciiname text,
alternatenames text,
latitude double precision,
longitude double precision,
feature_class text,
feature_code text,
country_code text,
cc2 text,
admin1_code text,
admin2_code text,
admin3_code text,
admin4_code text,
population bigint,
elevation bigint,
dem bigint,
timezone text,
modification date
create table raw.country
iso text,
iso3 text,
isocode integer,
fips text,
name text,
capital text,
area double precision,
population bigint,
continent text,
tld text,
currency_code text,
currency_name text,
phone text,
postal_code_format text,
postal_code_regex text,
languages text,
geonameid bigint,
neighbours text,
fips_equiv text
\copy raw.country from 'countryInfoData.txt' with csv delimiter E'\t'
create table raw.feature
code text,
description text,
comment text
\copy raw.feature from 'featureCodes_en.txt' with csv delimiter E'\t'
create table raw.admin1
code text,
name text,
ascii_name text,
geonameid bigint
\copy raw.admin1 from 'admin1CodesASCII.txt' with csv delimiter E'\t'
create table raw.admin2
code text,
name text,
ascii_name text,
geonameid bigint
\copy raw.admin2 from 'admin2Codes.txt' with csv delimiter E'\t'

Once we’ve loaded the raw data from the published files at http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/, we ...