PostgreSQL Protocol: Server-Side Prepared Statements
Learn to write the server-side prepared statements using PostgreSQL and the application code.
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It’s possible to send the query string and its arguments separately on the wire by using server-side prepared statements. This is a pretty common way to do it, mostly because PQexecParams
isn’t well-known, though it made its debut in PostgreSQL 7.4 in 2003. To this day, a lot of PostgreSQL drivers still don’t expose the PQexecParams
facility, which is unfortunate.
Server-side prepared statements can be used in SQL thanks to the prepare
and execute
commands syntax, as in the following example:
prepare foo asselect date, shares, trades, dollarsfrom factbookwhere date >= $1::dateand date < $1::date + interval '1 month'order by date;
Then, we can execute the prepared statement with a parameter at the psql console:
execute foo('2010-02-01');
The codes are added in the playground below. Let’s run the code in the playground to see the output:
begin;create table factbook(year int,date date,shares text,trades text,dollars text);-- datestyle of the database to ISO, MDY\copy factbook from 'factbook.csv' with delimiter E'\t' null ''alter table factbookalter sharestype bigintusing replace(shares, ',', '')::bigint,alter tradestype bigintusing replace(trades, ',', '')::bigint,alter dollarstype bigintusing substring(replace(dollars, ',', '') from 2)::numeric;commit;prepare foo asselect date, shares, trades, dollarsfrom factbookwhere date >= $1::dateand date < $1::date + interval '1 month'order by date;execute foo('2010-02-01');
We then get the same result as before, when using ...