PostgreSQL Event Publication System
Understand the event publication system in PostgreSQL.
We'll cover the following...
To maintain a cache of the action counters either by day
or by messageid
, we could write a trigger. This implements event-driven processing but kills our concurrency and scalability properties.
Trigger for notification
It’s possible for our trigger to notify an external client. This client must be a daemon program, which uses listen
to register our messages. Each time a notification is sent, the daemon program processes it as necessary, possibly updating our twcache.counters
table. As we have a single daemon program listening to notifications and updating the cache, we now bypass the concurrency issues.
Implement the trigger
Before implementing the client application, we can implement the trigger for notification and use psql as a testing client:
begin;create or replace function twcache.tg_notify_counters ()returns triggerlanguage plpgsqlas $$declarechannel text := TG_ARGV[0];beginPERFORM (with payload(messageid, rts, favs) as(select NEW.messageid,coalesce(case NEW.actionwhen 'rt' then 1when 'de-rt' then -1end,0) as rts,coalesce(case NEW.actionwhen 'fav' then 1when 'de-fav' then -1end,0) as favs)select pg_notify(channel, row_to_json(payload)::text)from payload);RETURN NULL;end;$$;CREATE TRIGGER notify_countersAFTER INSERTON tweet.activityFOR EACH ROWEXECUTE PROCEDURE twcache.tg_notify_counters('tweet.activity');commit;
Test the trigger
We can test the trigger by issuing the following statement at ...