

Scheduling Estimates Computations

Scheduling Estimates Computations

Understand how to schedule estimates computations in PostgreSQL.

To calculate unique visitor estimates from the heavy insert table, we need a background process to do this from time to time.

The easiest way to do that here would be to create a new API endpoint on our back-end server and set up a cron-like utility to use that endpoint for our specified schedule. In case of emergency, though, it’s nice to be able to run this updating process interactively. A solution to have both the back-end API integration and the interactive approaches available consist of packaging our SQL query as a stored procedure.

SQL function

While stored procedures aren’t covered, it’s easy enough to write a SQL function around the statement we have already:

Press + to interact
create function tweet.update_unique_visitors
in batch_size bigint default 1000,
out messageid bigint,
out date date,
out uniques bigint
returns setof record
language SQL
as $$
with new_visitors as
delete from tweet.visitor
where id = any (
select id
from tweet.visitor
order by datetime, messageid
for update
skip locked
limit update_unique_visitors.batch_size
returning messageid,
cast(datetime as date) as date,
hll_hash_text(ipaddr::text) as visitors
new_visitor_groups as
select messageid, date, hll_add_agg(visitors) as visitors
from new_visitors
group by messageid, date
insert into tweet.uniques(messageid, date, visitors)
select messageid, date, visitors
from new_visitor_groups
on conflict (messageid, date)
do update set visitors = hll_union(uniques.visitors, excluded.visitors)
where uniques.messageid = excluded.messageid
and uniques.date = excluded.date
returning messageid, date, cast(# visitors as bigint) as uniques;

And here’s an interactive session where we use the newly defined stored procedure to update our unique visitors hll table. ...