



Learn about Geolocation and the GiST index.

How the breakdown works

Before loading the raw data into a normalized version of the table, which will make heavy use of the references we normalized before, we have to study and understand how the breakdown works:

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select count(*) as all,
count(*) filter(where country_code is null) as no_country,
count(*) filter(where admin1_code is null) as no_region,
count(*) filter(where admin2_code is null) as no_district,
count(*) filter(where feature_class is null) as no_class,
count(*) filter(where feature_code is null) as no_feat
from raw.geonames ;

We have lots of entries without reference to a country and even more without a detailed breakdown (admin1_code and admin2_code are not always part of the data). Moreover, we also have points without any reference feature and class, some of them in the Arctic.

   all    | no_country | no_region | no_district | no_class | no_feat