HomeCoursesDjango: Python Web Development Unleashed



Django: Python Web Development Unleashed
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Gain insights into Django, a Python framework for rapid web development. Discover hands-on learning with interactive widgets and build a portfolio-worthy Django project.
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Course Overview

Django is a free and open-source web application framework written in Python. It is used for rapid web development and clean, pragmatic design. It is built by experienced developers to make repetitive tasks easier, so you can focus on writing apps instead of reinventing the wheel. This course teaches Django for beginning and intermediate level learners. The course includes a hands-on learning experience with the help of interactive widgets. At the end of the course, you will have created a project in Django...Show More
Django is a free and open-source web application framework written in Python. It is used for rapid web development and clean, pr...Show More



Web Development


Course Content


Before Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Django web development, starting from basics to creating dynamic applications.


Introduction to Django

4 Lessons

Look at Django's origins, key features, major uses, and its MTV architecture.


First Django Application

6 Lessons

Examine setting up a Django project, creating applications, routing, dynamic routing with converters, and URL mappings.


Templates in Django

9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Django templates for dynamic HTML generation and content customization.


Static Files in Django

2 Lessons

Take a closer look at handling static files in Django for serving styles, scripts, and images.


Project Solution: Laying Grounds for Songs Playlist Application

4 Lessons

Tackle creating and managing Django templates, static files, and template inheritance in your playlist app.


Django Forms

8 Lessons

Step through creating, rendering, and validating forms in Django, using both basic and model forms.


Operations on Models

2 Lessons

Get started with creating, retrieving, and updating user models in Django.



1 Lessons

Find out about the course's wrap-up, feedback, and exploring new learning opportunities.
Certificate of Completion
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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