Home>Courses>PHP 8 Programming Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices



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PHP 8 Programming Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

Delve into PHP 8’s latest features, explore the JIT compiler, learn about asynchronous programming, and gain insights into efficient coding techniques to fast-track your PHP development skills.
Delve into PHP 8’s latest features, explore the JIT compiler, learn about asynchronous programming, and gain insights into efficient coding techniques to fast-track your PHP development skills.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

125 Lessons
311 Playgrounds
17 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

PHP 8 is a culmination of the development team’s work to enhance language efficiency, offering faster performance and reduced memory usage. It also focuses on syntax and language normalization, making it a developer-friendly choice for adhering to coding best practices. This course is suitable for PHP developers of all levels, from beginners looking to learn the language effectively to seasoned professionals interested in PHP 8’s new features. In this course, you’ll experience a fast-track introduction to ...Show More
PHP 8 is a culmination of the development team’s work to enhance language efficiency, offering faster performance and reduced me...Show More

What You'll Learn

Understanding of advanced PHP 8 concepts
Knowledge of PHP 8’s advanced error-handling capabilities
Ability to make direct C-language calls using FFI for rapid custom prototyping
Understanding backward-compatibility issues when transitioning to PHP 8
Ability to optimize code using PHP 8’s performance-enhancing features
Understanding of advanced PHP 8 concepts

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with PHP 8's performance boosts, new features, and best practices.


Section 1: PHP 8 Tips

1 Lessons

Look at the new features in PHP 8 enhancing coding practices and capabilities.


Section 2: PHP 8 Tricks

1 Lessons

Piece together the parts of migrating and updating your code for PHP 8.


Section 3: Best Practices

1 Lessons

Solve problems in PHP 8 with new coding standards, features, and migration strategies.



1 Lessons

Go hands-on with PHP 8's advancements in performance, readability, and code quality.

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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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