HomeCoursesMastering Apache Kafka



Mastering Apache Kafka
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Learn about Apache Kafka's architecture, client APIs, stream processing, and connectors. Build real-time data streaming and event-driven applications while exploring Kafka's ecosystem.
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Course Overview

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to handle real-time data streaming and processing in a distributed and fault-tolerant manner. This course can be taken by software developers and data engineers wanting to learn Kafka to build data-intensive applications. You will begin with an introduction to the Kafka architecture, client libraries, and its project ecosystem. Next, you will learn to use the Kafka Client APIs along with key configurations. Then, you will learn to develop stream pr...Show More
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to handle real-time data streaming and processing in a distributed and...Show More


Hands-on experience developing applications using Kafka
Working knowledge of building stream processing applications
The ability to work with data pipelines
An understanding of open-source tools in the Kafka ecosystem
Hands-on experience developing applications using Kafka

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Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with real-time data streaming, Kafka architecture, and client libraries.


Apache Kafka Producer API

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of using Kafka's Producer API for efficient and reliable message production.


Apache Kafka Consumer API

4 Lessons

Go hands-on with efficiently reading, processing, and managing Kafka messages using the Consumer API.


Kafka Connect

5 Lessons

Dig into Kafka Connect's integration capabilities, source and sink connectors, and data transformations.


Exploring Projects in the Kafka Ecosystem

6 Lessons

Investigate key tools and frameworks enhancing Kafka’s integration, schema management, and data replication.


Wrap Up

1 Lessons

Utilize Kafka for data solutions with producer, consumer APIs, streams, and Kafka Connect.
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