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Web Development with Golang and Beego

Gain insights into web development with Golang and Beego. Delve into ORM, OAuth 2.0, and Bootstrap integration while mastering deployment with GitHub Actions and Nginx.
Gain insights into web development with Golang and Beego. Delve into ORM, OAuth 2.0, and Bootstrap integration while mastering deployment with GitHub Actions and Nginx.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

51 Lessons
33 Playgrounds
7 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Beego is an open-source web framework for Golang that enables the rapid development of high-performance web applications. It simplifies web development by providing built-in tools, ORM, and libraries, allowing developers to ignore low-level details and focus on application logic. This course unlocks the power of web development with Golang and Beego and guides you from foundational concepts to hands-on experience building robust web applications. The course introduces Beego’s framework, its directory stru...Show More
Beego is an open-source web framework for Golang that enables the rapid development of high-performance web applications. It sim...Show More

What You'll Learn

In-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of Beego for building robust web applications in Go
Practical experience with Beego ORM for database interactions
Hands-on experience in web development with Golang
The ability to incorporate user authentication and social logins in your web applications using OAuth 2.0
Working knowledge of integrating Bootstrap for responsive and modern web design
The ability to apply theory to real-world projects through hands-on development of a note-keeping application
Working knowledge of deploying the application to the production environment
In-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of Beego for building robust web applications in Go

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with Beego framework, its directory structure, and initial project setup.


Hello, Beego

5 Lessons

Get started with creating and handling APIs, routes, and HTML responses using Beego.


Beego ORM

5 Lessons

Examine Beego ORM's database interactions, basic queries, raw queries, query builder, and transactions.


Bootstrap Integration

4 Lessons

Add Bootstrap to Beego projects to enhance UI, ensuring responsiveness and streamlined development.


OAuth 2.0

5 Lessons

Build on OAuth 2.0 for secure resource access, integrate Facebook Auth, and manage OAuth data.


Deploy to Production

4 Lessons

Try out building, packaging, dockerizing, and deploying Beego apps with GitHub Actions and Nginx.


What’s Next?

1 Lessons

Look at advanced Beego features, community engagement, and continuous learning.



3 Lessons

Work your way through Bee command-line tool usage, Facebook OAuth setup, and Beego resources.

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Adaptive Learning

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