HomeCoursesData Storytelling through Visualizations in Python



Data Storytelling through Visualizations in Python
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Gain insights into data storytelling in Python using Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly. Explore trends, handle data challenges, and create impactful visual narratives aligning with business goals.
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Course Overview

Mining the insights from data is the next critical step after parsing data and generating visualizations. This activity is called data storytelling, where you form a cohesive story explaining the strengths, weaknesses, and trends of your dataset with the help of predictions through machine learning models. In this course, you will learn how to identify and evaluate your data for trends, handle common real-world challenges of messy data such as large datasets and missing values, and present the right visua...Show More
Mining the insights from data is the next critical step after parsing data and generating visualizations. This activity is calle...Show More


Familiarity with the best practices in the field of data storytelling
Understanding the process of extracting narratives from data
Basic understanding of data analysis strategies using pandas and NumPy
An understanding of data storytelling and visualization generation for real-world, messy data
Hands-on experience with compelling visualizations using Matplotlib and Plotly
Familiarity with the best practices in the field of data storytelling

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Data Storytelling

Data Visualization

Data Plotting

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with data storytelling using Python libraries Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly.


Extracting Narratives from Data

6 Lessons

Examine defining problem statements, iterative visualization, audience tailoring, persona characterization, and correlation vs. causation in data storytelling.


Tackling Real-World Data

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to handle real-world data, including outliers, missing data, and forecasts.


Data Presentation

7 Lessons

Solve problems in presenting data effectively with engaging narratives, layering, and interactive visualizations.


Data Types and Sources

3 Lessons

Follow the process of integrating, visualizing text and image data to enhance storytelling.


Data Storytelling Best Practices

6 Lessons

Piece together the parts of creating concise, consistent, and unbiased data visualizations using effective color schemes and balanced content.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Step through essential data storytelling skills, from visualization to interactive presentations.
Certificate of Completion
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