HomeCoursesProduct Management Essentials in Agile Environments



Product Management Essentials in Agile Environments
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Gain insights into essential product management skills in Agile environments. Learn about customer research, feature design, iterative development, Agile methodologies, and managing different product lifecycles for various markets.
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Course Overview

Product management is essential for managing the development and lifecycle of a product to meet customer needs and provide value. Knowing how to research potential customers, design features, set product goals, create product roadmaps, launch the product and measure its success can make all the difference. In this course, you’ll learn the difference between product management and project management. You’ll learn about outcomes and outputs, iterative development, the Agile Manifesto, Scrum and Dual-track Ag...Show More
Product management is essential for managing the development and lifecycle of a product to meet customer needs and provide value...Show More


Familiarity with agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, for promoting efficiency, adaptability, and collaboration in product development
In-depth knowledge of agile, Scrum, and Kanban, as well as the differences between them and when to use them
An understanding of product development and its lifecycle, including setting goals, prioritizing features and allocating resources
An understanding of team roles during the product creation lifecycle
The ability to develop a clear and effective product strategy that aligns with the company’s objectives, prioritizes features, and predicts market trends
Familiarity with agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, for promoting efficiency, adaptability, and collaboration in product development

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Scrum Methodology

Course Content


What Is Product Management?

6 Lessons

Get familiar with product management roles, responsibilities, and lifecycle stages.


Why Would We Choose a Product Approach?

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of focusing on outcomes, iterative development, Agile, Scrum, and Dual-Track Agile.


Who Is Involved?

4 Lessons

Break down complex ideas about stakeholder management, Scrum and Kanban teams in Agile.


Strategy and Tactics

4 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of formulating product strategies, using OKRs, and Agile methodologies.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Focus on key distinctions between product and project management, agile benefits, and rapid experimentation.
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