HomeCoursesData Visualization and Analysis With Seaborn Library



Data Visualization and Analysis With Seaborn Library
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Delve into data visualization and analysis with Python's Seaborn library. Learn about variable types, data cleaning, creating detailed visualizations, and applying themes for more appealing results.
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Course Overview

This course aims to provide an introduction to data visualization and analysis using Python and the Seaborn library. The course begins by introducing various variable types and statistical analysis methods. Then, you get to review the foundations of data cleaning and extraction using the pandas library. In the second half of the course, you will go over different plots in Seaborn for numerical, continuous, and categorical data, as well as distribution and regression plots to gain insightful information and...Show More
This course aims to provide an introduction to data visualization and analysis using Python and the Seaborn library. The course...Show More


The ability to perform data analysis using various statistical techniques
The ability to use Pandas library for data extraction and cleaning
The ability to use Seaborn plots for different data types
The ability to use Seaborn’s distribution and regression plots to extract and visualize interesting trends in data
The ability to use Seaborn's built-in themes, palettes, and grids to enhance the plot aesthetics
The ability to perform data analysis using various statistical techniques

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Data Visualization

Data Cleaning

Course Content


About the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential data visualization concepts, plotting styles, and seaborn's color palettes.


Introduction to Seaborn and Statistical Analysis

5 Lessons

Look at data visualization essentials, variable types, statistical analysis, and starting with Seaborn.


Plotting Categorical Data

1 Lessons

Apply your skills to visualize and analyze categorical data using count plots in Seaborn.


Visualizing Distribution of Data

7 Lessons

Investigate visualizing data distributions with KDE, hist, ECDF, rug, joint, and displots in Seaborn.


Visualizing Regression Models

4 Lessons

Build on visualizing and analyzing regression models, reg plots, and lmplots with Seaborn.


Styling and Figure Aesthetics

6 Lessons

Get familiar with figure aesthetics, Seaborn themes, scaling, styling, axis spines, and color palettes.


Closing Remarks

1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of data visualization and analysis using the Seaborn library.
Certificate of Completion
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