A Journey of a Thousand Miles
Learn about genome replication and the significance of ori.
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Genome replication
Genome replication is one of the most important tasks carried out in the cell. Before a cell can divide, it must first replicate its genome so that each of the two daughter cells inherits its own copy. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick completed their landmark paper on the DNA double helix with a now-famous quote, “It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material.”
They conjectured that the two strands of the parent DNA molecule unwind during replication, and then each parent strand acts as a template for the synthesis of a new strand. As a result, the replication process begins with a pair of complementary strands of DNA and ends with two pairs of complementary strands, as shown in the figure below.
Although the above figure models DNA replication on a simple level, the details of replication turned out to be much more intricate than Watson and Crick imagined; as we’ll see, an astounding amount of molecular logistics is required to ensure DNA replication.
At first glance, a computer scientist might not imagine that these details have any computational relevance. To mimic the process in the above figure algorithmically, we only need to take a string representing the genome and return a copy of it! Yet, if we take the time to review the underlying biological process, we’ll be rewarded with new algorithmic insights into analyzing replication.
Replication origin
Replication begins in a genomic region called the replication origin (denoted ori) and is performed by molecular copy machines called DNA polymerases. Locating ori presents an important task not only for understanding how cells replicate but also for various biomedical problems. For example, some gene therapy methods use genetically engineered mini-genomes, which are called viral vectors because they’re able to penetrate cell walls (just like real viruses). Viral vectors carrying artificial genes have been used in agriculture to engineer frost-resistant tomatoes and pesticide-resistant corn.
In 1990, gene therapy was first successfully performed on humans when it saved the life of a four-year-old girl suffering from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder; the girl had been so vulnerable to infections that she was forced to live in a sterile environment.
The idea of gene therapy is to intentionally infect a patient who lacks a crucial gene with a viral vector containing an artificial gene that encodes a therapeutic protein. Once inside the cell, the vector replicates and eventually produces many copies of the therapeutic protein, which in turn treats the patient’s disease. To ensure that the vector actually replicates inside the cell, biologists must know where ori is in the vector’s genome and ensure that the genetic manipulations that they perform don’t affect it.