

The String Reconstruction Problem

The String Reconstruction Problem

Let’s learn different possible ways for string reconstruction.

Genome assembly is more difficult than you think

Before we introduce a computational problem modeling genome assembly, we’ll take a moment to discuss a few practical complications that make genome assembly more difficult than the Newspaper Problem.

  • First, DNA is double-stranded, and we have no way of knowing a priori which strand a given read derives from, meaning that we’ll not know whether to use a read or its reverse complement when assembling a particular strand of a genome.
  • Second, modern sequencing machines are not perfect, and the reads that they generate often contain errors. Sequencing errors complicate genome assembly because they prevent us from identifying all overlapping reads.
  • Third, some regions of the genome may not be covered by any reads, making it impossible to reconstruct the entire genome.

Since the reads generated by modern sequencers often have the same length, we may safely assume that reads are all k-mers for some value of k. The first part of this chapter will assume an ideal — and unrealistic — situation in which all reads come from the same strand, have no errors, and exhibit perfect coverage, so that every k-mer substring of the genome is generated as a read. Later, we’ll show how to relax these assumptions for more realistic datasets.

Reconstructing strings from k-mers

We’re now ready to define a computational problem modeling genome assembly. Given a string Text, its k-mer composition Compositionk_k (Text) is the collection of all k-mer substrings of Text (including repeated k-mers). For example:


Note that we’ve listed k-mers in lexicographic order (i.e., how they would appear in a dictionary) rather than in the order of their appearance in TATGGGGTGC. We’ve done this because the correct ordering of reads is unknown when they’re generated.

String Composition Problem

Problem overview:
Generate the k-mer composition of a string.

A string Text and an integer k.
Compositionk​(Text), where the k-mers are arranged in lexicographic order.

Sample dataset:


Sample output:


Press + to interact
from itertools import product
import copy
def composition(k, text):
# Write code here

Solution explanation

  • Line 5: We define kmers as an empty array.
  • Lines 6–7: We iterate over text.
    • Line 7: We add every k-mer with length k using the i:i+k to kmers.

Solving the String Composition Problem is a straightforward exercise, but in order to model genome assembly, we need to solve its inverse problem.

String Reconstruction Problem Problem overview:

Reconstruct a string from its k-mer composition.

Input: An integer k and a collection Patterns of k-mers.

Output: A string Text with k-mer composition equal to Patterns (if such a string exists).

Before we ask you to solve the String Reconstruction Problem, let’s consider the following example of a 3-mer composition:


The most natural way to solve the String Reconstruction Problem is to mimic ...