Detour: Constructing a Topological Ordering
Let’s look at an algorithm for topological ordering.
Topological ordering algorithm
The first applications of topological ordering resulted from large management projects in an attempt to schedule a sequence of tasks based on their dependencies (such as the Dressing Challenge). In these projects, tasks are represented by nodes, and an edge connects node a to node b if task a must be completed before task b can be started.
STOP and Think: Prove that every DAG has a node with no incoming edges and a node with no outgoing edges.
The following algorithm for constructing a topological ordering is based on the observation that every DAG has at least one node with no incoming edges. We’ll label one of these nodes as and then remove this node from the graph along with all its outgoing edges. The resulting graph is also a DAG, which in turn must have a node with no incoming edges; we label this node , and again remove it from the graph along with its outgoing edges. The resulting algorithm proceeds until all nodes have been removed, producing a topological order . This algorithm runs in time proportional to the number of edges in the input DAG.
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