HomeCoursesBeginner to Advanced Computing and Logic Building



Beginner to Advanced Computing and Logic Building
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Gain insights into fundamental and advanced computational techniques, explore efficient algorithm design, and learn to build interactive games. Discover strategies to tackle FAANG coding challenges.
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Course Overview

This course focuses on building logic to solve simple to advanced coding problems. You will learn advanced computational techniques to solve real-world problems. The solutions for most problems are curated in a way that each solution is followed by a more efficient one, enabling you to devise the most efficient algorithm from the start. The course starts with the fundamentals of variables, loops, and arrays, and progresses to more advanced concepts such as creating games like Gomoku, Word Search, and Game...Show More
This course focuses on building logic to solve simple to advanced coding problems. You will learn advanced computational techniq...Show More


Mastering loops in C++ and using them to improve the code efficiency
Ability to analyze and optimize programs using algorithmic techniques
Understanding of code’s execution flow and familiarity with a debugging tool
Ability to process and analyze large sets of data using C++
Understanding of functional approach for reusability and the ability to divide large projects into smaller, manageable modules
Understanding of mathematical quantities and the ability to verify conjectures and proofs
Hands-on experience creating simulations like timer, rotating rectangles, and game of life
Hands-on experience to build interactive games
Familiarity with fields like computer vision, artificial intelligence, and image processing, with example programs that draw inspiration from biological processes
Mastering loops in C++ and using them to improve the code efficiency

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Functional Programming

Nature Inspired Algorithms

Divide and conquer

Logic building

Problem solving

Algorithm analysis

Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with building logic skills through problem-solving methodologies and interactive exercises.


GNU Debugger Tutorial

2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of GDB’s breakpoint setting, step-by-step execution, and variable manipulation.


Memory, Operations and Control Structure

26 Lessons

Solve problems in programming fundamentals, data types, typecasting, operators, and control structures.


Iteration, Reusability and Extensibility

24 Lessons

Master the steps to enhance problem-solving through loops and functions, focusing on mathematical and pattern creation challenges.


Introduction to Arrays

21 Lessons

Learn how to use arrays, reference variables, randomization, and sets for efficient computing.


Problem Solving With Arrays

27 Lessons

Walk through solving diverse problems using arrays, including searching, sorting, and statistical measures.



1 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of foundational programming, logic-building, and advancing to expert skills.
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