Binary Search Tree Insertion (Implementation)
Learn about the implementation of binary search tree insertion in C# through the iterative and recursive approaches.
We'll cover the following...
There are two ways to code a BST insert function:
- Iteratively
- Recursively
You will be implementing both in this lesson. You will end up with the following tree once you implement the BST insert function and insert the elements [6,4,9,5,2,8,12,10,14]
Binary search tree
Insert implementation (iterative)
The iterative implementation of the insertBST
function as part of the BinarySearchTree
class is as follows:
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void insertBST(int val) {if(getRoot()==null){root=new Node(val);return;}//starting from the rootNode currentNode = root;Node parent;//while we get to the null nodewhile (currentNode) {parent = currentNode; //update the parentif (val < currentNode.value) {//if newValue < currentNode.val,//iterate to the left subtreecurrentNode = currentNode.leftChild;} else {//if newValue >= currentNode.val,//iterate to the right subtreecurrentNode = currentNode.rightChild;}}//by now, we will have the parent of the null//node where we have to insert the newValueif (val < parent.value) {//if newValue < parent.val//insert into the leftChildparent.leftChild = new Node(val);} else {//if newValue >= parent.val//insert into the rightChildparent.rightChild = new Node(val);}}
Put this function in your class and insert some values into your binary search tree.
The tree has been printed using in-order traversal (prints the tree in ascending order). You will learn about this traversal in upcoming ... ...