

Solution Review: Find Two Pairs in an Array with an Equal Sum

Solution Review: Find Two Pairs in an Array with an Equal Sum

This lesson contains a detailed analysis that helps solve the "Find Two Pairs in an Array with an Equal Sum" challenge.

Solution: Sums stored as hash keys

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace chapter_9
class challenge_5
static string findPair(int[] arr, int size)
string result = "";
// Create HashMap with Key being sum and value being a pair i.e key = 3 , value = {1,2}
// Traverse all possible pairs in given arr and store sums in map
// If sum already exist then print out the two pairs.
Dictionary<int, int[]> hMap = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
int sum;
int[] prev_pair = null;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < size; ++j)
sum = arr[i] + arr[j]; //calculate sum
if (!hMap.ContainsKey(sum))
// If the sum is not present in Map then insert it along with pair
int[] temp_Arr = new int[2];
temp_Arr[0] = arr[i];
temp_Arr[1] = arr[j];
hMap[sum] = temp_Arr;
//Sum already present in Map
prev_pair = hMap[sum];
// Since array elements are distinct, we don't
// need to check if any element is common among pairs
result += "{" + prev_pair[0].ToString() + "," + prev_pair[1].ToString() + "}{" + arr[i].ToString() + "," + arr[j].ToString() + "}";
return result;
}//end of for
return result;
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] arr = { 3, 4, 7, 1, 12, 9 };
Console.WriteLine(findPair(arr, 6));

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