/Solution Review: Finding Ancestors of a Given Node in a BST
Solution Review: Finding Ancestors of a Given Node in a BST
Learn a detailed analysis of the different ways to solve the “Finding Ancestors of a Given Node in a Binary Search Tree” challenge.
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Solution #1: Using a recursive helper function #
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using System;namespace chapter_6{class Solution{//Helper Recursive Function to find ancestors of k node//and add them to the result stringstatic bool recur(Node rootNode, int k, ref string result){//base casesif (rootNode == null)return false;else if (rootNode.value == k)return true;else{//To check if target is present in either left or right subtree of currentNodeif (recur(rootNode.leftChild, k, ref result) || recur(rootNode.rightChild, k, ref result)){result = result + rootNode.value.ToString() + " ";return true;}}return false;}static string findAncestors(Node rootNode, int k){string result = string.Empty;recur(rootNode, k, ref result);return result;}static void Main(string[] args){BinarySearchTree BST = new BinarySearchTree(6);BST.insertBST(1);BST.insertBST(133);BST.insertBST(12);Console.WriteLine(findAncestors(BST.getRoot(), 12));}}}
This solution uses a recursive helper function that starts traversing from the root until the input node and backtracks to append the ancestors that ...