/Solution Review: Word Formation From a Vector Using a Trie
Solution Review: Word Formation From a Vector Using a Trie
Learn a detailed analysis of the different ways to solve the “Word Formation From a Vector Using a Trie” challenge.
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Solution: Iterative word matching
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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace chapter_7{class Program{static bool isFormationPossible(List<string> list, string word){//Create Trie and insert vector elements in itTrie trie = new Trie();for (int x = 0; x < list.Count; x++){trie.insertNode(list[x]);}TrieNode currentNode = trie.getRoot();for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++){char index = (Char)trie.getIndex(word[i]);// if the prefix of word does not exist, word would not eitherif (currentNode.children[index] == null){return false;}// if the substring of the word exists as a word in trie, check whether rest of the word also exists, if it does return trueelse if ((currentNode.children[index].isEndWord == true) && trie.searchNode(word.Substring(i + 1))){return true;}currentNode = currentNode.children[index];}return false;}static void Main(string[] args){List<string> keys = new List<string>{ "he", "hello", "loworld", "friend" };if (isFormationPossible(keys, "helloworld"))Console.WriteLine("true");elseConsole.WriteLine("false");if (isFormationPossible(keys, "hellofriend"))Console.WriteLine("true");elseConsole.WriteLine("false");return;}}}
The algorithm can be divided into three parts. The first and ...