Solution Review: Convert Max-Heap to Min-Heap
Take a look at the detailed solution review of the challenge given in the previous lesson.
We'll cover the following...
Solution: Min heapify all parent nodes
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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;namespace chapter_8{class exercise_1{static void minHeapify(List<int> h, int i){int lc = i * 2 + 1;int rc = i * 2 + 2;int imin = i;if (lc < h.Count && (h[lc].CompareTo(h[imin]) < 0))imin = lc;if (rc < h.Count && (h[rc].CompareTo(h[imin]) < 0))imin = rc;if (i != imin){int temp = h[i];h[i] = h[imin];h[imin] = temp;minHeapify(h,imin);}}static List<int> buildMinHeap(List<int> heapList){for (int i = (heapList.Count - 1) / 2; i > -1; i--){minHeapify(heapList, i);}return heapList;}static string convertMax(List<int> maxHeap){string result = "";maxHeap = buildMinHeap(maxHeap);for (int i = 0; i < maxHeap.Count; i++){if (i == maxHeap.Count - 1)result += maxHeap[i].ToString();elseresult += maxHeap[i].ToString() + ",";}return result;}static void Main(string[] args){List<int> heapList = new List<int>{ 9, 4, 7, 1, -2, 6, 5 };Console.Write(convertMax(heapList));return;}}}