Solution Review: Sort Values in Stack
This review provides a detailed analysis of the different ways to solve the "Sort Values in Stack" challenge.
We'll cover the following...
Solution #1: Using a temporary stack
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namespace chapter_4{class Challenge5_1{static Stack<int> sortStack(Stack<int> stack, int size){//1. Use a second tempStack.//2. Pop value from mainStack.//3. If the value is greater or equal to the top of tempStack, then push the value in tempStack//else pop all values from tempStack and push them in mainStack and in the end push value in tempStack and repeat from step 2.//till mainStack is not empty.//4. When mainStack will be empty, tempStack will have sorted values in descending order.//5. Now transfer values from tempStack to mainStack to make values sorted in ascending order.Stack<int> tempStack = new Stack<int>();while (stack.Count != 0){int value = stack.Pop();if ((tempStack.Count > 0) && (value >= tempStack.Peek())){tempStack.Push(value);}else{while (tempStack.Count != 0){stack.Push(tempStack.Pop());}tempStack.Push(value);}}//Transfer from tempStack => stackwhile (tempStack.Count != 0){stack.Push(tempStack.Pop());}return stack;}static void ShowStack(Stack<int> stack){while (stack.Count != 0){Console.Write("\t" + stack.Pop());}}static void Main(string[] args){Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();stack.Push(2);stack.Push(97);stack.Push(4);stack.Push(42);stack.Push(12);stack.Push(60);stack.Push(23);ShowStack(sortStack(stack, 7));}}}
This solution takes an iterative approach towards the problem. Create a helper stack called tempStack
. Its job is to hold the elements of stack
in descending order.
The main functionality of the algorithm lies in the nested while loops. In the outer ...