/Solution Review: Finding Minimum Value in a Binary Search Tree
Solution Review: Finding Minimum Value in a Binary Search Tree
Find a detailed analysis of the different ways to solve the “Finding Minimum Value in Binary Search Tree” challenge.
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Solution #1: Iterative findMin()
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using System;namespace chapter_6{class Solution{static public int findMin(Node rootNode){// Traverse (in order) towards left till you reach leaf node,//and then return leaf node's valueif (rootNode == null)return -1;while (rootNode.leftChild != null){rootNode = rootNode.leftChild;}return rootNode.value;}static void Main(string[] args){BinarySearchTree bsT = new BinarySearchTree(6);bsT.insertBST(3);bsT.insertBST(8);bsT.insertBST(12);bsT.insertBST(10);bsT.insertBST(14);Console.WriteLine(findMin(bsT.getRoot()));return;}}}
This solution first checks if the given root is null
and returns -1
if it is (lines 10-11). Then, you move on to the left-subtree. Keep going to each node’s left child until the leftmost child is found (lines 13-16).
Time complexity
The time complexity of this solution is in ...