HomeCoursesDatabase Design Fundamentals for Software Engineers



Database Design Fundamentals for Software Engineers
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Gain insights into fundamental database concepts, relational databases, and entity-relationship diagrams. Learn about normalization techniques and basics of SQL to enhance database efficiency.
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Course Overview

Databases are universal - they underlie the technology you use every day. They're a crucial component of everything from telecommunications systems, banking systems, and video games to just about any other software system that maintains some amount of persistent data. In this course, you'll learn about the fundamental concepts of databases, why and when they're used, what relational databases are, and entity-relationship diagrams. You will also be exposed to techniques like normalization that help to incre...Show More
Databases are universal - they underlie the technology you use every day. They're a crucial component of everything from telecom...Show More




Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with database essentials, file-based system limitations, and reasons for transitioning to databases.


Fundamental Concepts

6 Lessons

Look at the fundamentals of databases, DBMS functions, and database benefits.


Data Modeling

6 Lessons

Examine data models, schemas, three-schema architecture, data independence, and DBMS classification.


The Relational Data Model

7 Lessons

Dig into the relational data model, keys, integrity constraints, schemas, and fundamental operations.


Functional Dependencies

4 Lessons

Simplify complex topics in functional dependencies to enhance database design and normalization.



10 Lessons

Master the steps to normalize database tables by achieving different normal forms, ensuring efficient design.



1 Lessons

Discover the logic behind foundational database design concepts and future learning pathways.
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