Completing the Implementation of the Proctor Boundary Server
Now we will connect our proctor with our Mastery project. We'll start with the quiz session.
Our Proctor is a masterpiece, but we still have to wire it into the rest of Mastery. The boundary has two different points of integration. We will need to:
Revise the
to return the active sessions for a quiz. -
to end the sessions for a given title as our scheduler terminates them.
Those integrations should go quickly.
Returning active sessions
A big part of the battle of building concurrent systems is finding the processes to manage them. That’s the domain of the registry. To get the existing sessions with a given title, we will lean on our supervisor and the corresponding registry for our dynamic supervisor. We’ll open up /lib/mastery/boundary/quiz_session.ex
and add this function to return active sessions:
# /lib/mastery/boundary/quiz_session.exdef active_sessions_for(quiz_title) doMastery.Supervisor.QuizSession|> DynamicSupervisor.which_children |> Enum.filter(&child_pid?/1)|> Enum.flat_map(&active_sessions(&1, quiz_title))end