

Tests Call the API as a User Would—Helper Functions

Tests Call the API as a User Would—Helper Functions

Let’s add some helper functions which will aid in testing our quizzes.

Starting and taking a quiz

Now, we can move on to the helpers that will let us build, start, and take the quiz:

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defp start_quiz(fields) do
now = DateTime.utc_now()
ending = DateTime.add(now, 60)
Mastery.schedule_quiz(Math.quiz_fields(), fields, now, ending)
defp take_quiz(email) do
Mastery.take_quiz(Math.quiz.title, email)
  • start_quiz schedules the quiz to start immediately with more than enough time to take the quiz. We’ll achieve mastery far before the timer runs out.

  • take_quiz lets a user establish a session.

Answering a quiz

Now, we can move on to the helpers to answer a quiz:

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defp select_question(session) do
assert Mastery.select_question(session) == "1 + 2"
defp give_wrong_answer(session) do
"wrong", &MasteryPersistence.record_response/2
defp give_right_answer(session) do
"3", &MasteryPersistence.record_response/2

By now, these functions should be pretty familiar. We have a function to select a question and then a couple of functions to provide right and wrong answers. Notice that we provide the persistence function to use for saving the responses. That way, only the tests that use these functions ...