

Implementing the QuizManager with Processes

Implementing the QuizManager with Processes

Let's start creating our first GenServer, the quiz manager.


The quiz manager will start with an empty map:

  • We’ll add quizzes to it through a call to :build_quiz.

  • Then, we’ll add templates to a quiz in the store through a call to :add_template.

  • We’ll add a function to let our users look up a quiz by name.

Declaring our boundary

We’ll open up /lib/mastery/boundary/quiz_manager.ex. It’s a straight Elixir module that looks like this:

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defmodule Mastery.Boundary.QuizManager do
alias Mastery.Core.Quiz
use GenServer
  • We declare the module and setup our initial aliases for Quiz.

  • Then we use GenServer. The ...