

Putting the Proctor to Work

Putting the Proctor to Work

Now let’s try running our proctor to schedule a timed quiz.

Scheduling a quiz

First, let’s schedule a quiz:


Press + to interact
alias Mastery.Examples.Math
Press + to interact
alias Mastery.Boundary.QuizSession
Press + to interact
alias Mastery.Examples.Math
Press + to interact
alias Mastery.Boundary.QuizSession
Press + to interact
one_minute_from_now = DateTime.add(now, 60)
Press + to interact
now = DateTime.utc_now()

Note: Since the quiz is timed, it might end before you can enter the rest of the commands below. In that case, you’ll have to restart the iex terminal and re-enter all of the “Executable” commands shown above.


iex(1)> alias Mastery.Examples.Math
iex(2)> alias Mastery.Boundary.QuizSession