

Validating Our Templates

Validating Our Templates

Let’s learn how to validate our templates.

The template fields represent a sterner test. The checker and generators fields will require us to validate lists and functions. Still, our simple framework that’s based on composition will make quick work of them.

Declaring the main module and core functions

Let’s start with the basic errors function that composes validations over each field. As before, we’ll enumerate required and optional fields, in lib/mastery/boundary/template_validator.ex, like this:

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defmodule Mastery.Boundary.TemplateValidator do import Mastery.Boundary.Validator
def errors(fields) when is_list(fields) do
fields = Map.new(fields)
|> require(fields, :name, &validate_name/1)
|> require(fields, :category, &validate_name/1)
|> optional(fields, :instructions, &validate_instructions/1)
|> require(fields, :raw, &validate_raw/1)
|> require(fields, :generators, &validate_generators/1)
|> require(fields, :checker, &validate_checker/1)
def errors(_fields), do: [{nil, "A keyword list of fields is required"}]

The technique works exactly as it did in the QuizValidator.

Let’s try out a few validations on the template as a whole:


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alias Mastery.Boundary.TemplateValidator
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checker = fn(sub, answer) ->
sub[:left] + sub[:right] == String.to_integer(answer)
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template =
name: :single_digit_addition,
category: :addition,
instructions: "Add the numbers",
raw: "<%= @left %> + <%= @right %>",
generators: %{
left: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
right: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
checker: checker
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Press + to interact
template =
name: :single_digit_addition,
instructions: "Add the numbers",
raw: "<%= @left %> + <%= @right %>",
generators: %{
left: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
right: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
checker: checker
Press + to interact


iex(1)> alias Mastery.Boundary.{TemplateValidator}
iex(2)> checker = fn(sub, answer)