

Establishing an API

Establishing an API

Let’s learn how to perform some operations on our responses in our SQL database.

Let’s move on to the main API at mastery_persistence.ex. For this project, our API exists to save and fetch items from an SQL database. For the most part, our API will consist of Ecto queries that collect and aggregate responses in various ways.

Saving and querying our responses

It’s time to open up /mastery_persistence/lib/mastery_persistence.ex to save and query our responses:

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defmodule MasteryPersistence do
import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2]
alias MasteryPersistence.{Response, Repo}

We import Ecto.Query and alias our Repo and Response modules because this file will exist to provide a SQL-focused API to access Mastery responses.

Inserting changes

Now, we can ...