Observing It

Let's learn how to use the graphical interface for managing Erlang applications.

Processes running in the application so far

We’ve fully configured the application for Mastery, and we know what those options mean. Think back to the configuration in application.ex. We can probably guess which processes might be running in the application so far:

  • A process or two to load the application and start the main Mastery supervisor.

  • An application supervisor for Mastery.

  • A quiz manager.

  • A registry for the QuizSession.

  • A dynamic supervisor.

There may be another housekeeping process or two, but that should be about it. Fortunately, we don’t have to guess. We can see exactly what’s happening.

Looking at the GUI for managing the application

We’ll fire up Mastery with iex -S mix and type the following command below:


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