HomeCoursesGrokking Comp Negotiation in Tech


1h 30min

Grokking Comp Negotiation in Tech
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Gain insights into strategies to maximize tech industry compensation. Discover negotiation techniques for better base salary, equity grants, and bonuses, ensuring you never leave money on the table.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn the strategies to maximize your total compensation (base salary, equity grants, bonuses) while working in the tech industry. Whether you plan to change jobs or boost your earnings while staying in your current job, this course will guide you through the process. Compensation is typically not a function of one’s ability, but how well you negotiate your deal. That’s why the material in this course will teach you how to prepare and position yourself for the best possible outcome...Show More
In this course, you will learn the strategies to maximize your total compensation (base salary, equity grants, bonuses) while wo...Show More
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