Leadership Assessment Rubric

Master the art of leadership assessment rubrics. Utilize this standardized tool to evaluate your competencies and behaviors as a leader.

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to understand how companies evaluate behavioral interviews? They use a leadership assessment rubric!

A leadership assessment rubric is a tool used to evaluate and measure a leader’s competencies and behaviors in a standardized and objective manner. The rubric typically includes a list of criteria and corresponding levels of proficiency or effectiveness for each criterion. The criteria may include leadership skills such as communication, decision-making, strategic thinking, team building, and conflict resolution. The levels of proficiency may be numerical (a range of 1 to 4 is the most common) or marked with indicators like -, +, ++.

Often, the rubric is based on the company's values and/or leadership principles. Your first step before your interviews is to check the company's values and make sure you incorporate examples of how you've demonstrated those values in the past when answering behavioral interview questions.

Now, let's discuss how to tailor your answers to a few top companies in the tech industry.


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