Home>Courses>Distributed Systems: Building Software for the Real World



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Distributed Systems: Building Software for the Real World

Explore architecting, designing, and building resilient distributed systems for real-world challenges. Gain insights into creating stability, designing for production, delivering systems, and solving systemic issues.
Explore architecting, designing, and building resilient distributed systems for real-world challenges. Gain insights into creating stability, designing for production, delivering systems, and solving systemic issues.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

189 Lessons
89 Quizzes
20 Code Snippets
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

In this course, you will examine ways to architect, design, and build software —particularly distributed systems—for the muck and mire of the real world. You will prepare for the armies of illogical users who do crazy, unpredictable things. Your software will be under attack from the moment you release it. It needs to stand up to the typhoon winds of flash mobs or the crushing pressure of a DDoS attack by poorly secured IoT toaster ovens. You’ll take a hard look at software that failed the test and find way...Show More
In this course, you will examine ways to architect, design, and build software —particularly distributed systems—for the muck an...Show More


Software Engineering

Distributed Systems

What You'll Learn

Understand system architecture and information architecture
Learn about development lifecycle and different architectures to build a software
Learn about stability anti-patterns, problems in network connection and their vulnerabilities
Learn service discovery systems, control plane, bounded/unbounded result sets and their effects
Understand system architecture and information architecture

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Course Content


Living in Production

4 Lessons

Step through readiness for production, holistic design, and pragmatic architecture in software.


The Exception That Grounded an Airline

9 Lessons

Solve challenges with a case study on resolving airline system outages and preventing failures.


Stabilize Your System

7 Lessons

Break apart strategies to maintain stability, prevent failures, and ensure system longevity.


Force Multiplier

6 Lessons

Investigate safeguards and strategies to prevent failures in automated distributed systems.


Launching An Online Store

8 Lessons

Address challenges of online store launch, load testing, traffic management, and server diagnostics during peak retail events.



9 Lessons

Walk through the fundamentals of distributed systems, including virtualization, containers, and cloud environments.


Design for Deployment

10 Lessons

Master deployment strategies, minimize downtime, ensure system stability, and enhance user experience.


Handling Versions

5 Lessons

Try out strategies for handling versions and maintaining API compatibility in distributed systems.


Case Study: Trampled by Your Own Customers

6 Lessons

Walk through the challenges and resolutions in launching and stabilizing a new online system.



8 Lessons

Work your way through adapting software for changes, efficient processes, effective teams, and service autonomy.


System Architecture

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of resilient, adaptable system architecture principles and modularity.


Information Architecture

6 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of flexible information architecture, focusing on databases, events, services, URLs, and data plurality.


Chaos Engineering

8 Lessons

Follow the process of using chaos engineering to enhance resilience in distributed systems.



1 Lessons

Build on foundational literature in databases, software architecture, Agile development, and system design.

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