HomeCoursesTheory of Computation



Theory of Computation
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Gain insights into formal languages, regular languages, regular expressions, context-free languages, and Turing machines. Delve into automata models and enhance problem-solving skills through extensive exercises.
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Course Overview

What are the mathematics behind computers? What are the theoretical foundations of computer languages? Such questions can be explored by understanding formal languages and automata models. In this comprehensive course, you’ll explore formal languages, regular languages, and how to model them with their associated automata models. Next, you’ll cover regular expressions and grammar, and their equivalents. Then, you’ll explore context-free languages (the foundations of programming languages), pushdown automa...Show More
What are the mathematics behind computers? What are the theoretical foundations of computer languages? Such questions can be exp...Show More


A solid understanding of formal languages, their structures and properties
Working knowledge of capabilities and limitations of different types of automata
The ability to convert between regular expressions, finite automata, context-free grammars and pushdown automata
Insights into computability theory, undecidability, reductions and the halting problem
A solid understanding of formal languages, their structures and properties

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Course Content


Getting Started

5 Lessons

Get familiar with core computation concepts, formal languages, and finite state machines.


Regular Expressions and Grammars

3 Lessons

Break apart regular expressions, their equivalence with finite automata, and regular grammars.


Properties of Regular Languages

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of regular languages, decision algorithms, Pumping Theorem, and nonregular language properties.


Pushdown Automata

3 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of pushdown automata, their applications, and deterministic vs. nondeterministic behaviors.


The Landscape of Formal Languages

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of formal languages, from RE languages and unrestricted grammars to Chomsky hierarchy.



3 Lessons

Examine limits of computability, undecidability problems, and implications of Rice's theorem.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of computation models, language representation, and computational boundaries.
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