

Agile Principles under a Large Magnifier

Agile Principles under a Large Magnifier

Learn about the challenges of large projects when considering agile principles.

We'll cover the following...

Principles for a large team

The “Agile Manifesto” is based on a set of underlying principles. Let’s take a moment to look critically at these principles with respect to a large team and whatever experience we have with large teams:

  • Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software: The effort of bringing something into production is often so high that large teams tend to deliver only once. Often, bureaucracy is the main reason for the high level of effort.
Press + to interact
Continuous delivery to satisfy the customer
Continuous delivery to satisfy the customer
  • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development: Often, we will find that large teams have a complex requirements management process installed, discouraging everybody from requesting changes to requirements. Furthermore, larger teams, especially large companies, often believe in upfront requirement engineering because people assume that accepting conditions later will be more expensive than getting them earlier. Another reason is that people buy into the possibility of clairvoyant engineering, which could eliminate the need to change requirements
Change requirement
Change requirement